An Ode to our Seventeen year old Self
Do you remember how you spent the last day of school?
The cast of our upcoming Seymour season production, Seventeen, sure do!
While writer Matthew Whittet’s memory of the night is fuzzy, he can recall it involved a blow-up mattress on the beach and chatting nonsense until the early hours of the morning. Actor Colin Moody was expelled two weeks before exams, needing to be escorted to and from the school gate to attend his finals. Meanwhile, producer and actor Di Smith was pulled over by the local cops for having ten teens piled into her dads station wagon after the traditional beers and food fight at Wanda Beach. In an act of generosity, she was let off without a ticket.

However you decided to spend your last day of high school, it was most likely a time of celebration with close friends, a farewell to childhood and trying to embrace whatever the future holds.
Our upcoming season show Seventeen, explores just that – six teenagers gathering late at night on the last day of high school, drinking stolen alcohol and spilling secrets that will change their friendships forever. However, in a theatrical twist, all roles are performed by older actors who were seventeen many years ago, bringing the experience of age to the dreams of hopeful youths.
Notable Aussie actors Di Smith, Colin Moody, Noel Hodda, Di Adams, Peter Kowitz and Katrina Foster explore the trails and tribulations of being at the cusp of adulthood. With a real working swing-set and slide, be transported to a late night playground full of drunken teens making memories that will last a lifetime.
Who says you're only young once?
Seventeen plays 27 September to 19 October. Buy tickets now.
Header Image Carousel credit: Seymour
20 September 2024
From 27 September to 19 October, experience Seventeen, the story of a group of high school students, experiencing something we all remember well, the last day of school – for ever.
Buy TicketsThe cast of our upcoming Seymour season production, Seventeen, sure do!
While writer Matthew Whittet’s memory of the night is fuzzy, he can recall it involved a blow-up mattress on the beach and chatting nonsense until the early hours of the morning. Actor Colin Moody was expelled two weeks before exams, needing to be escorted to and from the school gate to attend his finals. Meanwhile, producer and actor Di Smith was pulled over by the local cops for having ten teens piled into her dads station wagon after the traditional beers and food fight at Wanda Beach. In an act of generosity, she was let off without a ticket.

However you decided to spend your last day of high school, it was most likely a time of celebration with close friends, a farewell to childhood and trying to embrace whatever the future holds.
Our upcoming season show Seventeen, explores just that – six teenagers gathering late at night on the last day of high school, drinking stolen alcohol and spilling secrets that will change their friendships forever. However, in a theatrical twist, all roles are performed by older actors who were seventeen many years ago, bringing the experience of age to the dreams of hopeful youths.
Notable Aussie actors Di Smith, Colin Moody, Noel Hodda, Di Adams, Peter Kowitz and Katrina Foster explore the trails and tribulations of being at the cusp of adulthood. With a real working swing-set and slide, be transported to a late night playground full of drunken teens making memories that will last a lifetime.
Who says you're only young once?
Seventeen plays 27 September to 19 October. Buy tickets now.
Header Image Carousel credit: Seymour
20 September 2024
From 27 September to 19 October, experience Seventeen, the story of a group of high school students, experiencing something we all remember well, the last day of school – for ever.
Buy Tickets