Noel Hodda

Cast (Tom), Seventeen

Noel is a NIDA graduate and a proud Equity member, and has worked extensively in theatre, film, television and radio as an actor, director, writer and teacher.

His theatre appearances include plays with:

  • The Sydney
  • Queensland
  • Griffin
  • Merrigong
  • Apocalypse
  • Marian Street
  • Q
  • HotHouse
  • Railway Street Theatre Companies (The Ensemble Theatre; The State Theatre Co. of South Australia; White Box Theatre; Sport For Jove; NY Rep/Neil Gooding Productions and others as well as national and international tours.)

His most recent stage appearances include the world premieres of Stephen Sewell’s The Lives Of Eve for White Box at KXT and Campion Decent’s Unprecedented for HotHouse.

Multiple television and film appearances include Rake, Janet King, The Bet, Out Of The Blue (BBC), Home and Away, All Saints, Farscape and others too numerous to mention. Noel is also a writer and dramaturge. Plays produced include The Secret House, Half Safe, Photographs, Across The Water, On The Public Record, The Sculpture Garden, Never A Moment’s Peace and In This Light. A selection of his plays titled Plays: Noel Hodda was recently published by Janus Imprint.

For the latest event featuring Noel Hodda, and other events happening at Seymour Centre, check the links below.

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Cast (Tom), Seventeen

Noel is a NIDA graduate and a proud Equity member, and has worked extensively in theatre, film, television and radio as an actor, director, writer and teacher.

His theatre appearances include plays with:

  • The Sydney
  • Queensland
  • Griffin
  • Merrigong
  • Apocalypse
  • Marian Street
  • Q
  • HotHouse
  • Railway Street Theatre Companies (The Ensemble Theatre; The State Theatre Co. of South Australia; White Box Theatre; Sport For Jove; NY Rep/Neil Gooding Productions and others as well as national and international tours.)

His most recent stage appearances include the world premieres of Stephen Sewell’s The Lives Of Eve for White Box at KXT and Campion Decent’s Unprecedented for HotHouse.

Multiple television and film appearances include Rake, Janet King, The Bet, Out Of The Blue (BBC), Home and Away, All Saints, Farscape and others too numerous to mention. Noel is also a writer and dramaturge. Plays produced include The Secret House, Half Safe, Photographs, Across The Water, On The Public Record, The Sculpture Garden, Never A Moment’s Peace and In This Light. A selection of his plays titled Plays: Noel Hodda was recently published by Janus Imprint.

For the latest event featuring Noel Hodda, and other events happening at Seymour Centre, check the links below.

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